[Kmymoney-devel] Build Problem

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Dec 30 07:59:25 UTC 2011


on Friday 30 December 2011 04:47:55 Jack wrote:

> On 2011.12.29 22:31, Allan wrote:
> > I had to re-install my system and am having build problems.
> > 
> > I'm getting
> > "
> > aga at giga:~/Git/kmymoney/build> make
> > 
> > CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:53 (STRING):
> >   string sub-command SUBSTRING requires four arguments."
> > 
> > It looks like the top level CMakeLists.txt, which has
> > "
> > 
> > To me, that seems to have four arguments, but then I know nothing.
> > 
> > Any clues, anyone, please?  I've a few kmm builds and they all give
> > this error.
> > 
> > Oh, in case my cmake has upgraded, it's at 2.8.6-2.1.2 which doesn't
> > seem that new.
> I'm also on 2.8.6 (both Gentoo and Arch) and I see the same line, and
> have not had any compile issues.  First thing to check is to be sure
> whether the error is generated by make or by cmake itself (I suspect
> the latter).  You could try "ccmake ." while in the build directory,
> then hitting "c" for configure, then "g" for generate to see if either
> of those gives the error.
> Could there be something funny about the value of BRANCH before that
> line?  

That seems to be the case. What is the output of the following command:

  git log -1 | head -n 1

I see

  commit 40f784b58a13c198a2568d0e8f756b4d4e652591

right now.

> If it's empty, that could cause cmake to see only three
> arguments, although I don't see how it could happen.

Well, if the response to the above command is empty.



Thomas Baumgart

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'Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it.' - Brian W. Kernighan
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