[Kmymoney-devel] extragear/office/kmymoney/kmymoney/plugins/csvimport

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Aug 18 12:05:43 UTC 2011


on Thursday 18 August 2011 13:26:26 Allan Anderson wrote:

> SVN commit 1247935 by allananderson:
> BUG: 280295
> A number of strings in investprocessing.cpp needed to be translated.  They
> are specimen/generic strings a broker/financial institution might choose
> to use to describe an investment activity type, such as 'buy' or
> 'purchase' etc.
>  M  +12 -7     investprocessing.cpp
> ---
> trunk/extragear/office/kmymoney/kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessin
> g.cpp #1247934:1247935 @@ -138,13 +138,18 @@
>    m_dateFormat = m_dateFormats[m_dateFormatIndex];
>    m_csvDialog->button_import->setEnabled(false);
> -  m_buyList += "buy";//                       some basic entries in case
> rc file missing -  m_sellList += "sell";
> -  m_divXList += "dividend";
> -  m_reinvdivList += "reinv";
> -  m_shrsinList += "add";
> -  m_removeList += "remove";
> -  m_brokerageList << "check" << "payment";
> +  //  The following string list strings are descriptions of possible
> investment +  //  activity types.  Each of the lists may also contain
> alternative descriptions, +  //  added by the user to the resource file,
> to suit his needs.
> +
> +  m_buyList += i18nc("verb", "buy");//                       some basic
> entries in case rc file missing +  m_sellList += i18nc("verb", "sell");
> +  m_divXList += i18nc("noun, cash dividend", "dividend");
> +  m_reinvdivList += i18nc("verb, to reinvest", "reinvest");
> +  m_shrsinList += i18nc("verb", "add");
> +  m_removeList += i18nc("verb, to delete", "remove");
> +  m_brokerageList << i18nc("noun, cheque, check", "check") <<
> i18nc("noun", "payment"); +
>    findCodecs();//                             returns m_codecs =
> codecMap.values(); }

I am not sure, if this is the right way. Aren't these strings ('buy', 'add', 
etc.) are found in a CSV file? Now if you enclose them in i18n() then you 
would not be able to import a file with English headers while using the German 
translation, as the list would only contain "kaufen" but the entry in the CSV 
would be "buy".

Or am I missing something?



Thomas Baumgart

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