[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney 4.6.0 French user manual build fails

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Aug 10 19:43:48 UTC 2011


on Wednesday 10 August 2011 21:22:02 Jack wrote:

> On 2011.08.10 05:21, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > on Wednesday 10 August 2011 00:46:35 Jack wrote:
> > > 2011/8/9 Ludovic Grossard <grossard at kde.org>:
> > > > Le mardi 9 août 2011 13:50:32, Yuri Chornoivan a écrit :
> >>>> French team uses entities to make translation credits. The
> >>>> user.entities for French was updated with the new entities
> >>>> 07-06-2011 [3]. If someone uses KDE version older than 07-06
> >>>> documentation cannot be build without replacing
> >>>> /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/fr/user.entities with
> >>>> the newer version from git.
> >>>> 
> > > >> Hope this helps.
> >>> 
> >>> Indeed, this is the reason why the french documentation doesn't
> >>> compile with older versions of kdelibs/kdoctools.
> >> 
> >> So this means that, when building the French manual, we have a
> >> compile time dependency on a yet unreleased kdelibs/kdoctools.
> >> Thomas, what should we do about this?
> > 
> > I simply created another tar-ball which does not include the french
> > manual in the build. They are available on
> > 
> > https://sourceforge.net/projects/kmymoney2/files/KMyMoney-KDE4/4.6.0/
> I can imagine the translator being very happy he finished the work, and
> then very surprised that the new release does not include it.  I hope
> someone can find a way to allow inclusion of the French manual.  Just
> to confirm - does this only remove the French manual, and the French
> version of the app itself is OK?  If so, we could also make a copy of
> the French manual available on-line somewhere until there is a way to
> include it.

It's not removed, the generation is suppressed. Well, in the end the same for 
the user.

The french version of the app is not a problem.

Once generated, we could drop it on the web in parallel to the english 
version. Did someone update that by the way?

p.s. https://sourceforge.net/projects/kmymoney2/files/KMyMoney-KDE4/4.6.0/ 
currently has a problem :( It could have been me who caused this. The direct 
links for download from the homepage of the project are still working, just 
browsing that directory fails. I have opened a ticket with SF already at 



Thomas Baumgart

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