[Kmymoney-devel] Re: Getting LibOFX 0.9.4 in distributions

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 21 01:46:57 CEST 2011

[distribution list trimmed - feel free to forward as appropriate]

On 2011.04.20 12:53, Benoit Grégoire wrote:
> Running libofx and Gnucash from source, I didn't realise that the  
> dirtributions were generally years out of date, so most users were  
> having numerous crashes still with OFX imports (brigning down the  
> entire client application, not just libofx), as well as international  
> caracter issues. Furthermore, distribution-specific patches for which  
> fixes were sometimes integrated upstream years ago were sarting to  
> accumulate.
> Luckily, Christian moved us to Git (Thanks!), brigning Libofx closer  
> to my usual workflow and tooling.  Furthermore a recent laptop  
> upgrade caused me to to use stock package and see first hand how  
> disastrous the situation actually was on Ubuntu, I tried to spend  
> some time sorting out the distro situation.
> This was the focus of 0.9.4 release.  Here's where we stand now:
Trimmed info on Ubuntu, Fedora, MacOSX, Debian

Gentoo Linux:
  Currently at 0.9.1 with an "unstable" ebuild available for 0.9.2 just  
since March.  (I installed it today, but haven't done any testing at  
all yet.)  There appears not to be a current maintainer of libofx for  
the distro.

I'd love to see if I can create an ebuild for 0.9.4, but I don't know  
if I'll have the time in the near future.


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