[Kmymoney-devel] Anyone using KDESVN?

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed May 19 12:43:40 CEST 2010

On Wednesday 19 May 2010 11:33:48 Cristian Oneţ wrote:
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I try to setup my brand new KDE 4 sandbox with kdesvn. Whenever I start
> > it, it starts to pull in all logs of KDE (1,2 Mio log entries) when I
> > only need those of our little project.
> >
> > Any idea how I can limit this? There's an option dialog where I can turn
> > off the update, but then it seems that I don't see any logs at all.
> I use kdesvn and recall having a time consuming operation on startup
> when I've started using it but I think I've disabled that. 

That's what I did.

> What do you mean by 'don't see logs' if you disable the feature? SVN log on
> a file does not work? I'm asking this because I think I have the feature
> disabled but I can still do svn log a file.

Thanks for the hint that it works for you. I must have tried it on a file that 
only has one log entry and was confused by it. I now picked one that I know 
has several changes and sure enough they show up.

Thanks for the answers and sorry for the noise.



Thomas Baumgart

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