[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney - Matching priority

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat May 1 18:10:12 CEST 2010


on Saturday 01 May 2010 aga wrote:

> On doing an OFX download, two entries were matched that were unrelated. 
>  The payees were different, but the amounts were the same.  One of them
>  should have matched against the correct payee, although the amount was
>  different.
> Is that what should happen?  I would have thought that the same payee would
> take precedence, rather that the amount.  If the amount has to be identical
> for matching, a completely different payee should not be accepted, should
>  it?

Yes, it should. I have seen it lately too many times, that the payee changes 
its name on the transaction.  The matcher can use some improvement though.  I 
will be working in this area after the 4.x release.



Thomas Baumgart

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