No subject

Thu Jun 24 01:55:13 CEST 2010

1) 	A complete directory - cvsimporter - to go in the plugins directory.
 It contains:-
1a)	convdatelib 	- library to convert various date formats to QDate()
1b)	plugin 		- csvimporterdlg for bank statements.
				- investmentdlg for investment statements.
				- redefinedlg to edit/change unrecognised investment activity types.
1c) 	tester		- some unit tests.

2)	A patch file:
2a)	patch to kmymoney/kmymoney/CMakeLists.txt to add convdate library
for tester.
2b)	patch to plugins/CMakeLists.txt to add csvimporter directory.

3)	README file with some instructions on use.

4)	Some sample files for testing."

When import from csv is selected, csvimporterdlg gets called.  From
this, the user may select to import a bank statement.  Alternatively, if
the user wishes to import an investment statement, from the
csvimporterdlg ui,  investmentdlg gets called.  Because of the absence
of any standard for csv importing, the activity type within an
investment file is at the discretion, or otherwise, of the producer of
the file.  Even from the few I've seen, these may be unrecognised or
just plain wrong.  So redefinedlg gets called from csvimporterdlg, for
checking of validity and for redefing erroneous activity types.

If you want further info., I'm ready and waiting.

I mentioned this afternoon that the unit testing had been overtaken by
events since I sent it to you, it being CPPUNIT based.  I now have the
QTest version working in isolation, and will the integrate it into the
plugin version and let you have that as soon as poss.

Thanks for your assistance.


> I'm sending this to the list so the others can take part in the discussion.

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