[Kmymoney-devel] transfers between a checking account and investment account

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 23 17:55:48 CET 2010

(including the list in the reply, in case anyone else wants to add  

On 2010.02.23 11:44, Ram Bhamidipaty wrote:
> Can money be transferred from a checking account to an investment  
> account?
> In my svn build it looks like I cannot do that. Am I looking at this  
> the wrong way?

This is an area I am hoping to improve significantly in the handbook.   
An investment account only holds investments, not money.  When you  
create a new investment account, KMM asks if you want to create an  
associated brokerage account.  That is not absolutely necessary, but  
commonly, your investments are with an institution that also has a cash  
account that holds any non-invested funds.  (In KMM, the brokerage  
account is usually set up as a checking account.)  What you probably  
want to do is transfer money from the checking to the brokerage  
account, and then go to the investment account and purchase the  
investment (stock) with the money in the brokerage account.  (It is  
possible to specify the checking account directly as the source of  
funds in the "buy" transaction, but this does not generally reflect how  
the money actually flows.)


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