[Kmymoney-devel] kmymoney-4.5.2

Chris Harris chris.harris123 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 24 14:04:22 CET 2010

I am using kmymoney-4.5.2 on Ubuntu  11.04

If I have the following category structure
  - Fuel
  - Insurance

then when I view an income and expenses report I see a total for Auto.
 This is the behavior I want

If I add another level

  - Auto
     - Fuel
     - Insurance
  - Supplies

then I no longer see a total for auto.  I only see a total for
Business. Is is possible to show totals for each level in the

This may be a duplicate of the existing feature request Second (&
more) level details on Reports - ID: 2650209.

I see these a similar, but that request is also asking for more
configuration options.  I would just like a total at each level.

If there is no way to do this currently, and this is a valid request,
if someone could steer me in the right direction, I will investigate,
and see If I can make a patch.

Thank you

Chris Harris

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