[Kmymoney-devel] Installation Problems

chris pein chrispe at cableone.net
Wed Dec 8 23:51:43 CET 2010

I  downloaded KMyMoney from the KMyMoney web site. (
http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html) (4.5 for your
Windows PC)<http://winkde.org/pub/kde/ports/win32/setup/stable/setup-kmymoney-vc90-stable.exe>
When running the install file, found the install would appear to stall, (I'm
running tools) but the FINISH button did appear. When I hit the finsih
button, Windows said program did not appear to finish installing, and
program did not appear in directories. With help from the list, I learned I
could install the program as ADMINISTRATOR, and the program installed
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