[Kmymoney-devel] Meeting notes (12th August 2010)

Ian iann_bugzilla at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Aug 13 02:05:54 CEST 2010

Hi all,

These are the notes of today's meeting (12th August 2010) on #kmymoney 
on freenode.net from 16:00-17:00 UTC.

Attending: Thomas Baumgart, Ian Neal, Cristian Onet, Jack Ostroff, 
Alvaro Soliverez

Remaining (critical) issues:
- Thomas said there was a bunch of bugs open, but was doubtful they 
could be closed before tomorrow.
- Alvaro said there was only one he would consider to be critical which 
was the one about editing of investment transactions but, as there is a 
workaround, it should be fine. Both Thomas and Alvaro have tried 
debugging the problem but not been able to figure what is going on as yet.
- Thomas has finally nailed the multiple OFX download at the same bank 
issue, so that should be fixed.
- Bug 246673 appears to be down to a using an older version of kmymoney.
- Thomas said there are a couple of bugs that have been opened as more 
or less reminders (bug 224528 and bug 245893).
- Jack mentioned bug 241044 which, according to Alvaro, might be an 
upstream Qt widget problem. Thomas commented it might be down to the way 
certain events are intercepted by kmymoney, though, since the whole 
thing would be replaced by more MVC based implementations, it might get 
fixed through that process.
- Cristian has spotted that "start with the last selected view" option 
was broken again, Thomas confirmed it was. Cristian suggested to Thomas 
a way of fixing it.

- Thomas asked if any testing had been done to emulate a brand new user 
(i.e. no kmymoneyrc file being present, etc.). Alvro said he'd tested 
that aspect without any problems occurring.

Version Launch:
- Alvaro said that the announcement is under construction by the editors 
and there are a bunch of new splash screens and translated documentation 
to go with the new version.
- Thomas is coordinating with the German translator to get that locale 
in before the tagging and branching.
- Expected tag would be sometime after 16:00UTC on Sunday by Thomas.
- Alvaro will be submitting the announcement to the SF site too, along 
with changing the links to the mailing lists. The topic and greeting on 
IRC channel will need to be updated too.
- Alvaro and Thomas to talk on Sunday to coordinate the last tasks for 
the release: createtarball, announcements, mail to the lists, tests, etc.
- Jack suggested that a (virtual) release party should be scheduled, 
16:00UTC on Monday was agreed.

If there are any corrections / additions, please follow-up to this email.

Next meeting: 26th August, 16:00 UTC, #kmymoney on freenode.net

(Sorry for the delay, had to repair my washing machine when I got home).


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