[Kmymoney-devel] the ledger was ported to Qt4 - need help for testing

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Apr 30 19:52:46 CEST 2010


on Friday 30 April 2010 Cristian Oneţ wrote:

> În data de Vineri 30 Aprilie 2010 19:30:31 Brendan Coupe a scris:
> > I'm seeing some stray text on an account with very few transactions. See
> > attachment.
> [snip]
> I can't reproduce this in my file. Could you send an anon version of the
>  file and the anonymous account name to reproduce this? (Gzip the file to
>  avoid waiting for approval or send it directly to me)

I was, by opening an account with many transactions (3 of them are marked 
cleared) and switching the filter to display the 'cleared' transactions only. 
This showed a date in the empty area. Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart

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