[Kmymoney-devel] KMM 3.97.2 Online Import

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Apr 16 08:16:06 CEST 2010

On Thursday 15 April 2010 16:32:18 Brendan Coupe wrote:
> I'm pretty sure it's missing:)

Yes, it was (at least in my sandbox). I already ported the change (needed some 
changes here and there) but want to test them first before I drop them in the 
repository. They do compile though. Hope to find some time during the next 
couple of days (my weekend vanishes).

> When was the 3.9x code copied from the KMM2 code? I need to check the
> things that you fixed for me since then. I'm having a problem downloading
> for some online accounts and I'm having deja vu.

Looks like that it happened on 2009-05-11.  Let me know, what we have done 
past that point.



Thomas Baumgart

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 - Old engineering proverb
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