[Kmymoney-devel] i18n and documentation issues in kmymoney

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Wed Sep 16 09:13:21 CEST 2009


I found some buggy i18n calls in mymoneygncreader.cpp with missing arguments, 
relevant lines as attachment.

There is "#define i18n QObject::tr" in mymoneygncreader.cpp, I hope this will 
never be used, cause it does not works with translations from the kde svn 
archiv and will explode the i18n system, reason see 
Qt's "tr" and KDE's "i18n" have to be strictly seperated and need to be 
extracted to different catalogs. The catalog with the "tr" - messages needs a 
trailing "_qt", e.g. kmymoney_qt.pot

The text in the startup screen is not localized, a possible solution you find 

There is a manpage in kmymoney/doc/kmymoney2.1, but it is not included in the 
kde i18n tool chain.
Do you want me to do that?

Burkhard Lück
-------------- next part --------------
GncMessages::messText GncMessages::texts [] = {
      {"CC", 1, i18n("An Investment account must be a child of an Asset account\n"
                            "Account %1 will be stored under the main Asset account")},
      {"CC", 2, i18n("An Income account must be a child of an Income account\n"
                            "Account %1 will be stored under the main Income account")},
      {"CC", 3, i18n("An Expense account must be a child of an Expense account\n"
                            "Account %1 will be stored under the main Expense account")},
      {"OR", 1, i18n("One or more transactions contain a reference to an otherwise unknown account\n"
                            "An asset account with the name %1 has been created to hold the data")},
      {"SC", 1, i18n("Schedule %1 has interval of %2 which is not currently available")},
      {"SC", 2, i18n("Schedule %1 dropped at user request")},
      {"SC", 3, i18n("Schedule %1 contains unknown action (key = %2, type = %3)")},
      {"SC", 4, i18n("Schedule %1 contains multiple actions; only one has been imported")},
      {"SC", 5, i18n("Schedule %1 contains no valid splits")},
      {"SC", 6, i18n("Schedule %1 appears to contain a formula. GnuCash formulae are not convertible")},
      {"SC", 7, i18n("Schedule %1 contains unknown interval specification; please check for correct operation")},
      {"SC", 8, i18n("Schedule %1 contains a deferred interval specification; please check for correct operation")},
      {"CC", 4, i18n("Account or Category %1, transaction date %2; split contains invalid value; please check")},
      {"ZZ", 0, ""} // stopper

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