[Kmymoney-devel] About including KMM 3.95 in Mandriva repos

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 20:10:39 CET 2009

2009/12/29 Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de>:
> On Monday 28 December 2009 23:12:07 Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
>> Aló Nicolas,
>> I just read on IRC your message about including KMM in the Mandriva repos.
>> My only question would be which repos? If it's in the testing repos,
>> or unstable, that's fine because such is the intended audience for
>> this version. Cooker was the name of that repo, right?
>> I would not go for an inclusion in the stable repos, because this
>> version is not ready yet.
> Also, I had (brief) discussion about the problems using libkleo in KDE 4.3 and
> 4.4.  Here's a copy of the conversation from #kontact
> [17:40] <ipwizard_> Hi, anyone out there who has an idea why there is no
> default implementation for virtual Kleo::ImportFromKeyserverJob*
> Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol::importFromKeyserverJob() const in
> CryptPlugWrapper?
> [17:41] <ipwizard_> Reason I am asking is, because we currently cannot
> successfully compile KMyMoney due to this missing method.
> [18:00] <krake> ipwizard_: no concrete idea but maybe it is not possible to
> provide a sensible generic implementation, i.e. this is meant to be abstract
> [18:05] <vkrause_> ipwizard_: IIRC kmymoney requires some older version of
> libkleo, libkleo is not public API, so you'd have to expect random
> incompatible changes...
> [18:06] <ipwizard_> krake: an empty one would do
> [18:10] <krake> ipwizard_: but that would lead to bad code, i.e. someone
> instantiating an interface instead of an implementations
> [18:11] <krake> judging by the name implementation are probably created
> through a factory and/or loaded at runtime
> BTW: krake is Kevin Krammer of akonadi fame.
> I had another look into the source code. Looks like a lot of things have been
> changed between 4.3 and 4.4 in that area and not only that one function has
> been added. So I need two things: a system running 4.4 (which I don't have
> right now) and some time to analyze that stuff.  The second possibility would
> be to actually port logic from our KDE3 version which does not depend on any
> other library (public or not).
> Does anyone of you know, how we could detect the version of KDE in the build
> system and probably disable GPG encryption for 4.4 right now? I really don't
> want to do that, because the strong encryption is one of the unique features
> KMyMoney offers. Don't know how many people are using it though. As it looks,
> GPG support has been disabled for the MS-Windows version anyway and it
> certainly makes sense to have it under Windows.

Moving this to the list, as someone might help us, plus the Debian
people are asking for similar stuff.

At this point, what if we include it temporarily in our code, until we
can solve the whole issue in 4.4? Or just get the code we need, and
leave the discussion for after the kde PIM guys decide what they want
to do with libkleo...

Just my 2 cents.


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