Status of kmdi / katemdi

David Saxton david at
Mon Jul 25 03:00:04 CEST 2005

On Sunday 24 Jul 2005 18:44, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> KateMDI will stay internal, I still hope that there will be a usable KMDI
> or whatever in KDE 4, but even if not, I won't make the KateMDI stuff
> public, it's LGPL btw., and only one source + header file, if you want to
> use it, just "steal" the code ;)

Already stolen it :) :) :) (and boy, does it feel good to get rid of the old 
kmdi stuff). katemdi seems to be the perfect abstraction level for a multiple 
document interface - I hope any future kmdi will have the same elegance.

Anyway, I was skimming through the kmdi-devel archives, and I thought I'd chip 
in on providing split views...

IMHO, this definitely shouldn't belong to a kmdi library. There are / will be 
plenty of apps that use split views but don't use kmdi, and vice-versa.

That's not to say that there shouldn't be a split-view widget though - there 
are at least 3 apps that have implemented split views seperately - a pretty 
big waste of code - so split views definitely belongs as a seperate widget 
somewhere in the kde library.

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