Making widgets "sticky"

Andras Mantia amantia at
Mon Jul 4 18:08:12 CEST 2005

> I'm afraid I don't buy this argument.
> 1. No debugger on earth has variables view that disappear when you
> click on source. Really, variables view should always be necessary if
> you do debugging.
> 2. I'm fine with allowing user to "unstick" the window, but I want it
> to be sticky by default when a new users runs kdevelop.

You forget that the variable view might be docked together with 
something else that the user wants to be not sticky. For example on the 
right with the documentation tree. Now the user has to make un-sticky 
the documentation view as well everytime you start the debugger...
Unless you restore the sticky and raised state to the one before 
starting the debugger, although this has its own pitfalls as well.

Quanta Plus developer -
K Desktop Environment -
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