KMDI Modes

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Tue Feb 22 13:10:21 CET 2005

<zitiere wer="Roland Krause">
> Hi all,
> sorry I did not get the start of this thread, just subscribed today.
> I am currently using QextMdi in a commercial project and I am thinking
> of switching the project to the current KMDi which is mostly the same
> codebase as I have seen.
> I am currently back porting the KMDi library to Qt-only in preparation
> for a native Win32 version also.
> My alternative is to go back and do a Qt only solution once Qt-4 is out
> and safe to use (i.e. past Qt-4.1.x).
> Now if you guys are determined to remove all the choices that the lib
> currently provides I am done here very quickly :-) but if there is room
> for discussion I would like to keep the tab page mode, the child window
> mode (MS windows look a like) and the IDEAl mode.
> My users like the tab page mode, have never seen nor used IDEAl and
> know from the Windows world the childframe mode.
I don't think we can leave them in, kmdi will be a important libary in the
framework and therefor should at least stay at some consistent level UI wise.
(if we provide all this modes, any HIG will just be senseless).

Beside  this I am not sure if any qt only implementation is wanted, I
would be more interested in a really more close kde integration using the
whole power of the framework, like correct use of xmlgui and so on. As KDE
4.x will be (perhaps) available for win32, too (at least the libs), I
guess this won't be a that large problem as today, if you don't need qt
only. But provide a qt only lib would make it hard or even impossible for
good integration into kde without many ifdefs, making it again close to

Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, Maintainance Team, cullmann at

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