Dock widgets

Matt Rogers mattr at
Mon Feb 21 23:50:24 CET 2005

On Monday 21 February 2005 03:28 pm, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> Hi!
> Despite of the mdi modes we choose to implement, we need a working
> dockwidget. I mean that we _do_ need a replacement for KDockWidget. If you
> didn't look at it before, please do and prepare to be frightened ;)
> If seriously, KDockWidget has following problems:
> 1) placement inside dock area is broken
> 2) positions/sizes inside and outside the dock area are not saved
> 3) only one row of dock widgets inside one area is possible
> Can we solve those problems by improving KDockWidget?
> I answer no because it will take no less time than a complete rewrite.
> The quality of KDockWidget code is too low.

Keep in mind that if KDockWidget were to be fixed, KMdi, and the apps that use 
it would not be the only ones to benefit from such a fixing.

> Will those problems be finished in Qt4 in QDockWindow class?
> Now I don't have the answer. QDockWindow behaves really cool
> but it doesn't provide an API to modify dock header thus making
> kmdi implementation difficult.
> I sent a mail to TT with the explanation of our potential problems and
> now I'm waiting for the next Qt4 beta to see what happens.
> Ok, let's now imagine we won't get necessary API for QDockWindow in Qt4.
> What to do next? Fork QDockWindow or create our own implementation.

or rewrite KDockWidget and friends, which i was already semi-prepared to do 

> Several months ago I took a look at dockwidget problems and wrote some
> experimental code which you can find in the attachment.
> It probably doesn't work correctly but you should have an idea about the
> API we want from dockwidget classes.
> Please take a look at Ideal::DockSplitter class and it's test example under
> src4. An example uses QTextEdit widgets instead of dock widgets but
> should give an idea on how an ideal dock area should behave.
> It should be always possible to add dock widgets to arbitrary resizable
> cell inside the dock area and testsplitter example shows how can that
> be done.
> What to do now? I'd prefer to wait until next Qt4 beta in March and see
> what happens with QDockWindow and whether we can use it.
> If not, I'll continue to work on dock widget stuff again.

Sounds good. I'll also see what I can come up with in the meantime.

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