Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Jens Herden jens at kdewebdev.org
Fri Apr 22 04:15:12 CEST 2005

> I remember some people asking for "how to make a sidebar non-overlapping".
> They just didn't get that you can toggle this with the small square. I
> really think there are *a lot* people who do not even know of the
> non-overlap mode. Just something to mention imo, it is usability-wise bad
> done.

I have no problem with making non-overlapping the default so that only 
advanced user can use it.

> I also agree that overlap is extra, and should be ignore right now ;)

I don't agree. I have some use cases where it is really helpful:

- open a file in Quanta form the treeview. If you have a small screen, like my 
notebook, you need the whole space for the document. 

- navigation in the structure tree of Quanta

- open documentation in KDevelop

I think we should not that easily drop introduced features here.


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