Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at babylon2k.de
Thu Apr 21 15:58:56 CEST 2005

On Thursday 21 April 2005 15:54, Matt Rogers wrote:
> hmm, right, the way that i was thinking of was non-overlap. yes, overlap is
> useless in most cases, although i think if it could be disabled on a per
> tab basis, it would be useful again, and a nice little animation might be
> nice, and i could go on and on, but overlap is just extra stuff, i agree.
k, on that I can agree, but this little nifty thingy is really not that nice 
code wise, I guess, as it breaks away from normal qt layout methods, and the 
autohiding of the docks is again a evil eventFilter massacre :)


Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, kde.org Maintainance Team
http://www.babylon2k.de, cullmann at kde.org
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