Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at babylon2k.de
Thu Apr 21 14:51:12 CEST 2005

On Thursday 21 April 2005 05:51, Matt Rogers wrote:
> to backup jens here, overlap is not extra. some of the docks in kdevelop
> are practically useless w/o. ever tried opening multiple files from the
> file tree when overlap is off vs. when it is on? IMHO, that's a common use
> case and the ability to overlap addresses that use case.
you know that "overlap" is the mode where the toolview disappears after the 
action is done and editor gets focus? which is useless for all actions beside 
perhaps switching active file per filelist or whatever, and non-overlap is 
the mode usable for the stuff you mention, which is the easy one available in 
all kmdi replacement hacks


Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, kde.org Maintainance Team
http://www.babylon2k.de, cullmann at kde.org
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