
Christoph Cullmann cullmann at babylon2k.de
Sat Apr 16 16:12:51 CEST 2005

On Saturday 16 April 2005 15:52, Matt Rogers wrote:
> x the doesn't restore proper size
> after shading issue. Also, i would expect a call to read the dockwidget's
> read config stuff to do something with the window, although i'm not quite
> sure what you mean by 'jumps on time around'
I have investigated a bit more, the problem is: if you call readConfig, the 
centra aea of the kate window is first created undocked, at position 0,0 (or 
any other), and later the docks are docked back, this leads to amazing 
effects on xinerama setups like here, you see a little flash on the left 
screen if kate comes up :/

Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, kde.org Maintainance Team
http://www.babylon2k.de, cullmann at kde.org
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