creating a content system

Zack Rusin zack at
Wed Aug 10 10:37:18 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 10 August 2005 10:05, Roberto Cappuccio wrote:
> > - it searches hidden folders by default
> this can be easily made customizable/configurable (we have a KCM
> module for that)

Please have mercy and don't add GUI configure options for things like 
that. It should not index hidden folder/files at all.

> it works on every media you can mount. we would like to extend it to
> NFS and other protocols as well

I don't think you ever want to be doing indexing on nfs shares. Ever. 
Actually nothing outside user home directories should be indexed. Then 
a system like the one Scott proposed for tenor where you search outside 
using links could be utilized.

> >  - it relies on a lot of helper apps; i wonder at the overhead of
> > that
> when I first started development, I begun importing code from other
> projects like xpdf and antiword in our source tree. The bad things of
> this approach are not immediately evident, but can be expressed as
> follows: 1. you have to create a branch for every helper you decide
> to import, in order to have the possibility to adapt the code to
> Kat's needs. Every time the original code changes, you will have to
> port the changes to your branch. 2. a lot of helpers are written in
> languages different from C++, making the management of them much more
> complicated
> I'm really interested in hearing your proposals for this problem.

Support from application themselves of course.

> Aaron, now that you are near to Trolltech, could you please ask them
> to speed up the development of QtSQL? Even the version which is
> shipped with Qt4 sucks. I would really e glad to use that library
> because then we could use whatever DBMS we want to use (PostgreSQL
> and MySQL only to name a few).

It's about 100 miles per hour. Depends whether there's wind or not. 
Phases of the moon also affect the speed of development. 
AKA don't ever expect a reasonable answer to a stupid question. If you 
have something that is an actually a question (where "it sucks, i can't 
use it" is _not_ a question) then I could try to answer it.


Why do they call it a "building"? It looks like they're finished. Why 
isn't it a "built"?

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