Tech spec inquiry

Emmet O'Neill emmetoneill.pdx at
Thu Jan 23 22:01:59 GMT 2025

Hi there, Dan.

As a fellow citizen of the Pacific Northwest down here in Portland, I'm
glad to hear that your school district is considering Krita as a teaching

To add to Halla's answer, Krita's base software is completely unrelated to
GitHub,* and does not require a network connection at all*.
You may find Krita's *source code* on GitHub as the project is completely *open
source* and widely available on the internet, but that's probably not
relevant to your use case.

In other words, Krita should have no problem installing or functioning
behind even the most strict network firewall rules.

There are many ways to get Krita, but we typically recommend downloading an
installer through our project's official website,
On that page you will find various *stable installers* for Windows, MacOS
and Linux operating systems, which can easily be downloaded and installed
on each computer in your lab.
Furthermore, since your network firewall is strict, you could easily
download the installer on an out-of-network system and send it to each
computer on your network (over the network, or using physical media like a
flash drive or SD card) and then install it that way.
Updating the software would work in very much the same way, at whatever
cadence is convenient for your staff.

When it comes to *plugins* specifically, they are entirely optional, though
Krita comes bundled with some official ones (which can also be disabled or
removed, and none of which require an internet connection).

Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 12:31 AM Halla Rempt <halla at> wrote:

> On woensdag 22 januari 2025 18:18:46 Midden-Europese standaardtijd Hansen,
> Dan L. wrote:
> >
> > I'm an instructional technology director in a public K-12 school
> district in Washington state, USA. We have art teachers seeking software
> for use in digital drawing and painting courses, and they're interested in
> Krita. In the past, our team hesitated to approve Krita for use in our
> district/schools because of the reliance upon GitHub for plugins. Our
> network team has reservations about allowing GitHub in any capacity on our
> network.
> >
> > Can the base software still be accessed/downloaded/installed/etc. if no
> GitHub URLs are allowed on our network?
> Of course. Krita is not being developed on github and doesn't try to
> access github.
> Halla Rempt
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