About Krita's mobile-friendly UX plans.
Halla Rempt
halla at valdyas.org
Tue Mar 5 09:13:12 GMT 2024
On maandag 26 februari 2024 22:46:01 CET Emmet O'Neill wrote:
> In today's meeting we touched upon our need to work towards creating a
> mobile UI in order to make Android more viable.
> But to clarify this point, is the plan here to build a *totally separate UI
> for mobile platforms in the model of Krita Gemini*?
Yes -- for desktop/notebook usage I'd prefer a classic interface.
> Or are we talking about working towards a full (Qt6/QML) *refresh of Krita
> desktop's UX to make it as touch/tablet-friendly as possible*?
The desktop ui probably will also incorporate more and more qml elements as we go on, but what works on a tablet doesn't work on a desktop, as we noticed with our first attempts.
> In my opinion we'd be smart to focus on the latter, as I think a lot of the
> design considerations that'd make Krita better to use on mobile would also
> benefit tablet-centric desktop/laptop workflows.
I'm not sure about that...
> And in that case, I think the first thing we ought to do (outside of the
> Qt6 rebase stuff) is *compile a list of pain points and papercuts wrt
> tablet-centric workflow in our current UI*.
> This should be something as focused on concrete as possible, so that it's
> not just another big pool of ideas that we can't really work with very
> easily.
> (It'll also be a lot easier to get specific feedback on tablet-centric
> desktop workflows from our artists than it will be to get good Android
> feedback, imo.)
> Then, once we've identified the various problems with Krita from a
> tablet/touch perspective, then we can research and design ways that we can
> improve our designs in a way that should hopefully help us on mobile too.
> This is also something that I think we could start working on basically
> right away, so that we can start thinking about our design philosophy at
> the same time as we upgrade our tech stack.
> How's that sound?
> I'd be happy to start gathering feedback on this stuff asap, if people
> agree that it's worthwhile.
> - Emmet
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