Translation of krita's Comic Manager

Alvin Wong alvin at
Tue Aug 27 16:41:55 BST 2024

Hi, thanks for reporting. Unfortunately, due to how that feature lists 
language names using QLocale without distinguishing between scripts, the 
best I can do for now is to have it show all regional names, e.g. "简体中文 
/ 繁體中文".

Created MR:

On 25/8/2024 21:28, Tseng Winter wrote:
> When I use Comic Manager to create a project, when I want to select 
> Traditional Chinese as the main language in the field, zh translates 
> it to 簡體中文(Simplified Chinese). I suggest to translate it to 
> 中文(Chinese) so that I won't mistakenly think that there is no 
> Traditional Chinese option. Thank you very much!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *寄件者:* Tseng Winter <ostzen at>
> *寄件日期:* 2024年8月22日 上午 09:39
> *收件者:* zh-l10n at <zh-l10n at>
> *主旨:* krita 的漫畫管理器翻譯
> 我在使用漫畫管理器要建立專案的時候,欄位 主要語言 想選中文時,zh 翻譯成 
> 簡體中文,建議翻成 中文 較好,這樣才不會誤以為沒有繁體中文選項。
> 非常感謝!

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