[Krita Artists] [PM] RE: SonarPen is working in Krita 5.2.2 on Android phone and Tablet

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 10:24:13 BST 2024

Hi, Halla!

I have made a roadmap for integration of the SonarPen SDK into Krita:

The first two things that we should do before we can start the porting work

1) Talk to sysadmins for a common location for Krita build tools and
utilities. Basically, where should we put this repository with the SDK? Are
SonarPen people going to maintain it? Should they publish it under KDE's
gitlab or official gitlab/github?

2) We need to ask the wider KDE community to review the SDK's code
security-wise (to avoid cases like the one that happened to libxz). This
library is going to be loaded in every single instance of Krita running on
any Android device. It doesn't matter if the device has SonarPen or not.

About the safe assert error reported by SonarPen: it should be fixed in
`krita/5.2` branch!

On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 9:03 AM Halla Rempt <halla at valdyas.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> As discussed during the meeting, I've asked for permission to forward this
> to the mailing list so we all have the relevant information for the
> sonarpen :-)
> Halla
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: [Krita Artists] [PM] RE: SonarPen is working in Krita 5.2.2 on
> Android phone and Tablet
> Date: zondag 21 juli 2024, 04:41:47 CEST
> From: elton via Krita Artists <noreply at krita-artists.org>
> To: halla at valdyas.org
> We have completely rewritten the SDK in C++ code and it is not longer a
> wrapper of the java AAR file. The source are here: [DEV GREENBULB /
> SonarPen SDK C++ · GitLab (kde.org)](
> https://invent.kde.org/greenblub/sonarpen-sdk-cpp)
> We modified the QT library to make use of the C++ SDK. We are able to use
> them to build a version of Krita v5.2.2 (we tried v5.2.3 but it is gives
> error message to several of our test devices. )  the v5.2.2 works very well
> and quick on all our devices. Here are all the related projects: [DEV
> GREENBULB · GitLab (kde.org)](
> https://invent.kde.org/users/greenblub/projects)
> this the apk that we built:
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/re6hcsc87nptqjr9ejxvz/krita-arm64-v8a-5.2.2-release-sonarpen-sdk-cpp-2024-07-17-1.apk?rlkey=lsw6stp08ygm8c4al0sgx497u&dl=0
> Please be notice, the right now when Krita lost focus and regain focus,
> the pressure detection is off. User must manually replug the SonarPen to
> get the SDK works again. That's because QT is not related to the state of
> the app. My engineer advice to have Krita's onPause and onResume to stop
> and start the SonarPen SDK.
> Error message on Krita 5.2.3
> ![450095171_8180824445300874_660215432378582904_n|300x400](upload://de0Rgrmq6nxUSQnAVAu23DVWFhZ.jpeg)
> Feel free to contact me if you have any problem.
> ---
> [Visit Message](
> https://krita-artists.org/t/re-sonarpen-is-working-in-krita-5-2-2-on-android-phone-and-tablet/91948/13)
> to respond to [elton](https://krita-artists.org/u/elton).
> To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](
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> -----------------------------------------

Dmitry Kazakov
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