A PeerTube channel for Krita

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Sun Sep 17 19:15:37 BST 2023

Dear Krita Contributors,

As you probably know by now, KDE has been growing its presence in the 
Fediverse and we now have our own PeerTube instance at


We would like to invite Krita to host videos on this instance, as we think it 
would open up the project to an audience that is moving (or trying to move) 
away from proprietary and predatory social media platforms, such as YouTube.

This would probably not suppose any extra work for you, as replicating videos 
from YouTube onto PeerTube can be automated and that process is trivial. You 
would just have to publish on YT and, a few minutes/hours later, the video 
will pop up on PeerTube.

The beauty of PeerTube is of course how well it integrate with the rest of the 
Fediverse and working your videos into your Mastodon feed will be seamless.

There are two ways you can have your channel on PeerTube:

1. **Use the KDE account:** Accounts can have multiple channels. See this:


Each channel can have their own look and feel and even their own donations 

Management of the account would be the Promo team's responsibility. That said 
the team would design the channel to your liking and only upload, remove, 
manage videos according to your instructions. This is the formula we are using 
for LabPlot, GCompris and Akademy teams.

2. **Have your own account:** In this case you would be responsible for the 
management of the channel.

Please let us know if you would like to proceed, and, if so, what formula you 
would like to follow.


Promotion & Communication

www: https://kde.org
Mastodon: https://floss.social/@kde
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kde/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kdecommunity
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kde

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