Sphinx Application Documentation - Image duplication
L. E. Segovia
amy at amyspark.me
Sun Jan 22 19:58:55 GMT 2023
Hi all,
If I understand correctly, by doing what you said you would instead have
a copy of each image per supported language-- only that squashed into a
massive monolithic folder. Did you instead mean to symlink the
"localized" image files to the source copies?
Another idea I have is to preserve the localization step as is, but
ignore the generated image folder, and in a postbuild step replace the
<img src="localized image path"> with the path to the source folder. (I
do something like this with a HTMLPipeline filter for my blog's emojis.)
PS: I've trimmed the CC as I wasn't sure if I should mail four lists at
once. Feel free to forward the email if necessary.
On 22/01/2023 16:02, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 7:51 AM Julius Künzel
> <jk.kdedev at smartlab.uber.space <mailto:jk.kdedev at smartlab.uber.space>>
> wrote:
> __
> Hi Ben, hi all,
> Hi Julius,
> I did a little research about this recently and unfortunately it
> seems to me as if there is not really a solution on the Sphinx side.
> One need to have separate build dirs for every language and it
> copies all static files (css, js, images,..) to every build dir.
> That's just how it works :-/ (Correct me in case anyone knows I am
> wrong).
> However we can of course try to solve this on our and and make our
> deploy tools smart in a way that they keep only one version of each
> image file and replace the others with symlinks.
> It should be more or less easy to detect images that are translated
> since they follow the pattern |filename.de.png where "de" is the
> language code, so this image would be special for German, while for
> all other languages filename.png is used.|
> I had a very strong feeling that would be the case (very much seems that
> Sphinx actually doesn't have proper i18n/l10n support and it's been
> hacked in / bolted on later).
> My initial thinking on a quick and (somewhat) dirty solution to this had
> been to merge all of the image files into a single folder at top level
> and then symlink that from each language.
> Knowing that translated images actually have a separate filename
> convention indicates that this might just be crazy enough to work.
> Thoughts?
> I hope that helps so far. I might be able to look into this, but
> probably not very soon so if anybody else can work on this I am more
> than happy.
> Cheers,
> Julius
> Regards,
> Ben
> |
> |
> 15. Januar 2023 um 07:45, "Ben Cooksley" <bcooksley at kde.org
> <mailto:bcooksley at kde.org?to=%22Ben%20Cooksley%22%20%3Cbcooksley%40kde.org%3E>> schrieb:
> Hi all,
> For some time now it has been known to me that the system for
> generating application documentation websites using Sphinx with
> l10n support has had issues with duplicating data - particularly
> images.
> That leads to the following outcome, where aside from sites that
> we expect to be quite large (like www.kde.org
> <http://www.kde.org/> and api.kde.org <http://api.kde.org/>) all
> of the application documentation sites are quite big as well:
> root at nicoda /srv/www # du -h --max-depth=1 ./generated/ | grep G
> 2.3G ./generated/cutehmi.kde.org <http://cutehmi.kde.org/>
> 3.7G ./generated/docs.digikam.org <http://docs.digikam.org/>
> 2.4G ./generated/api.kde.org <http://api.kde.org/>
> 2.3G ./generated/docs.krita.org <http://docs.krita.org/>
> 1.4G ./generated/www.kde.org <http://www.kde.org/>
> 7.9G ./generated/docs.kdenlive.org <http://docs.kdenlive.org/>
> 29G ./generated/
> This stands in comparison to the Docbook documentation site for
> all other KDE applications:
> root at nicoda /srv/www # du -h --max-depth=1 . | grep G
> 29G ./generated
> 16G ./api.kde.org-legacy
> 6.0G ./docs.kde.org <http://docs.kde.org/>
> 51G .
> It would be nice if we could please look into some fixes for
> this, as it looks like Sphinx is duplicating the images - once
> for every language - when that isn't necessary.
> I could understand if the screenshots were updated as part of
> the translation, but it looks like they're not in the majority
> of cases - below being just a sample:
> root at nicoda /srv/www/generated/docs.krita.org
> <http://docs.krita.org/> # sha256sum
> zh_CN/_images/Krita_cpb_mixing.gif
> 12eb4cbad29a5a6486d3438dabb888a0aa0b9579e55b3be2f3c1d6e1d76fc1d7
> zh_CN/_images/Krita_cpb_mixing.gif
> root at nicoda /srv/www/generated/docs.krita.org
> <http://docs.krita.org/> # sha256sum en/_images/Krita_cpb_mixing.gif
> 12eb4cbad29a5a6486d3438dabb888a0aa0b9579e55b3be2f3c1d6e1d76fc1d7
> en/_images/Krita_cpb_mixing.gif
> While this isn't a massive issue right now, it is a future
> scalability issue as for Krita at least each language costs
> 178MB or so, while for Digikam that sits at 415MB per language
> and Kdenlive is 392MB.
> Many thanks,
> Ben
> Julius Künzel
> Volunteer KDE Developer, mainly hacking Kdenlive
> KDE GitLab: https://my.kde.org/user/jlskuz/
> <https://my.kde.org/user/jlskuz/>
> Matrix: @jlskuz:kde.org <http://kde.org>
amyspark 🌸 https://www.amyspark.me
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