JPEG-XL and upgrading MinGW GCC

Alvin Wong alvin at
Fri Mar 11 14:06:29 GMT 2022


> Forget about 32-bit builds, G'MIC will render those useless because of 
> sheer memory exhaustion.
If you mean the memory usage during compilation, then cross-compiling 
from a 64-bit host  toolchain should work. But I'm not hard-set on 
making a 32-bit build. Halla is right that people trying to make large 
images will be a problem, until we have better memory management in the 
future (maybe), but when that eventually comes 32-bit would already be 
complete obsolete, so yeah let's forget about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For aarch64 Windows, it is just a possibility. There are a few more 
devices than just Microsoft Surface, so it may still worth looking into. 
Maybe it's not that big of an issue now that Windows is also adding 
x86_64 emulation. If someone can get Microsoft to send me one for free 
then I wouldn't mind trying to port it, but there is no way I'll go pay 
for one myself to hack with :)



On 11/3/2022 21:22, L. E. Segovia wrote:
> Forget about 32-bit builds, G'MIC will render those useless because of 
> sheer memory exhaustion. As for aarch64, I know it works on Linux and 
> on Android-- never tried on Windows because afaik it's only supported 
> by Surfaces. So we'd need to go the cross-compilation route and... eeek.
> (TBH, it should the same for crosscompiling aarch64 on Linux, if one 
> doesn't want to endure QEMU. But I was never able to get it to work.)
> On 11/03/2022 07:54, Halla Rempt wrote:
>> On vrijdag 11 maart 2022 08:35:23 CET Alvin Wong wrote:
>>> On the other hand, I was suggested the llvm-mingw toolchain [1] by
>>> someone working with Clang. This toolchain is interesting because it is
>>> LLVM-based and uses libc++ and ucrt (but there is an option for 
>>> msvcrt),
>>> which resembles the `CLANG64` MSYS2 environment. Not only that, but it
>>> also includes cross compilers for i686 (x86 / 32-bit Intel) and aarch64
>>> (arm64). We may be able to adapt our build system to make x86 and arm64
>>> Windows builds using this toolchain. I am trying to make a build with
>>> this toolchain as I am writing this message. What do you think of this?
>> Making an arm build for windows... Sort of okay, though I'm not sure 
>> it's really worth the effort. But I really don't want to release 32 
>> bits builds of Krita for Windows. People _will_ try to make gigantic 
>> images with those builds, fail and complain bitterly.
>> Halla

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