Krita Documentation as Git Submodule?

Emmet O'Neill emmetoneill.pdx at
Thu Jul 8 06:40:33 BST 2021

Hey all,

I'm wondering what you all think of the idea of linking Krita's
documentation to the source repository as a [git submodule.](

I'm thinking something along the lines of `git submodule add
git at docs/` to create a
submodule at `source/docs/`.
We can then suggest new devs run `git clone --recurse-submodules` to pull both the source code and
docs at the same time.
(Existing copies would run `git pull --recurve-submodules` or `git pull`
followed by `git submodule update --init` instead.)

Pros / Cons:

+ Improves accessibility of documentation and encourages more devs to
+ Helps to synchronize specific source versions with specific documentation
+ Optional in situations where docs aren't needed (i.e.: build docker) and
non-invasive to the krita-docs-org repo.
- Slightly increases complexity of source repo, and may take a while to
wrap your mind around submodules for people who are new to them.
(Possibly others that I'm not thinking of right now.)
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