Krita Testing Day #1: Thursday, January 7th, 2020

Emmet O'Neill emmetoneill.pdx at
Thu Jan 7 18:04:49 GMT 2021

Meeting room:

On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 3:54 PM Emmet O'Neill <emmetoneill.pdx at>

> Hey there. I'm writing to let everybody know that we're having our first *Krita
> Testing Day* this *Thursday, January 7th*.
> The official start time is 20:00 CET, but because we're a global community
> with different work schedules this is an *all day, flexible schedule*
> event.
> -----
> *1. What's this all about?*
> Hand-on testing is a huge part of successful development; it helps to
> assess the current strengths and weaknesses of the program from the
> perspective of our users, discover obvious bugs and regressions before
> release, and gain insights that will help us plan what comes next.
> But while big companies have dedicated QA teams, free and open source
> projects like Krita rely mainly on their community volunteers to submit the
> bug reports and feature requests that indirectly drive development.
> This comes at two key disadvantages: (1) we're unlikely to find out about
> problems until significantly after each new release, and (2) our
> development process tends to be largely reactive to individual problems and
> wish-list items.
> And so, *Krita Testing Days are about dedicating a small amount of our
> development time *(one workday per month) *to simply using Krita, getting
> some hands-on time in with upcoming features, and thinking critically about
> the current state of Krita's user experience and work flow*.
> We will also be *meeting throughout the day on #Krita on IRC as well as
> <>!*
> *(A link to the <> group will be
> added to this thread when it's ready.)*
> *2. Is this a beta?*
> Not exactly. Beta tests are geared towards having users test a specific
> upcoming version just before release, and usually span a number of days or
> weeks.
> As developers, we're usually too busy coding to actively participate in
> beta tests, so we have to rely on a subset of our most dedicated users to
> try out beta releases.
> On the other hand, Krita Testing Days are about dedicating some of our
> full-time development team's resources towards testing any recent version
> (including the master branch, a nightly release, any ongoing beta branches,
> or even merge request branches).
> *3. So who can participate?*
> Anybody, of course!
> While this is mainly about setting aside a bit of time to get the
> development team to actually use Krita, everybody is welcome.
> As an open source project just about everything we do is open to the
> public and there are plenty of people in our community (artists, developers
> and everything in between) who can provide useful and unique insights into
> the current state and future direction of the project.
> In fact, if you're an artist who spends a considerable amount of time
> using Krita throughout the week (and you're free to share what you're
> working on) it would be super cool to have you!
> So, whoever you are, If you're interested and have some time to stop by on
> a weekday, please do! The more the merrier.
> *4. ...Do I have to?*
> Definitely not. If you'd prefer to work on code as you normally do, then
> that's fine too. :)
> *5. What do we do?*
> First and foremost, just *spend some time using Krita to draw, paint,
> animate, storyboard or edit!*
> Please test on *one or more recent builds*: master, a nightly build, an
> upcoming release, or even a pending merge request.
> I also recommend *taking written notes* about your thoughts and
> experiences throughout the day, as well as any bugs that you encounter or
> feature ideas that you come up with.
> As a developer you might have the inclination to jump right back into the
> code to work on something that annoys you, but that can quickly lead you
> down a rabbit hole so I would suggest just making note of it for the time
> being.
> (Some things to consider: work flow, user interface, performance,
> functionality, intuitiveness, feel, etc.)
> Finally, *come hang out throughout the day on #Krita and
> <>* where people will be
> discussing the program, sharing their artwork, and (optionally) sharing
> screens!
> -----
> So *Krita Testing Day #1 *will be on* Thursday, January 7th, 2021.*
> My hope is that this will be both a good use of our time and a fun thing
> to do.
> If it is, then we will make this a monthly event scheduled sometime during
> the first week of each month.
> If not, then at least we tried. ;)
> - Emmet
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