Random brush and perspective idea

Timo Paulssen timo at wakelift.de
Mon Oct 15 17:33:31 BST 2018

Hello Knapp,

this feature already exists. Open the brush editor and find the "Size"
setting and use the "Perspective" sensor. That should give you what you want

Hope to Help!
  - Timo

On 15/10/2018 18:30, Knapp wrote:
> I thought it would be fun to have a brush perspective setting.
> You use the Assistant tool to set a vanishing point. As the brush
> approaches the point the brush size will get smaller. This would be
> great for drawing grass with a grass or bush brush as the plants will
> automatically become smaller as you approach the horizon and also the
> line thickness could also be reduced as you come to the vanishing point.
> -- 
> Douglas E Knapp, MSAOM, LAc.
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