animation import problem

Fazekas László mneko at
Wed Apr 19 09:03:05 UTC 2017


Played with this again and still don't know what happens.

It seems the emit in the requestTimeSwitchNonGUI() function of the 
animation interface is simply not working if the image is coming from a 
loaded file. But it's working if the image is newly created. I tried a 
direct call to switchCurrentTimeAsync() there, and with that, it's 
working normally.

I checked that the connect() of this signal in the animation interface 
constructor returns true and the signals are not globally blocked when 
the emit called. What could be the problem? What can block this emit 
call? Can you reproduce this bug? Or is it bad only for me?

(Ubuntu 16.04, 64bits, QT  5.5.1)


2017-04-18 11:27 keltezéssel, Dmitry Kazakov írta:
> Could you send me a file that reproduces the problem?
> On 18.04.2017 12:09, Fazekas László wrote:
>> I have a serious problem with the current master version of Krita. 
>> After opening a file with animation, the current frame position on 
>> the timeline and on the animation panel is not working. I cannot 
>> switch between the keyframes of the animation. This happens with .csv 
>> and .kra files, and maybe with other file types too. Also, the 
>> program crashes very often at the start of a file opening.
>> I suspect there is something with the sigInternalRequestTimeSwitch 
>> signal of KisImageAnimationInterface, it's not working.
>> Any idea?
>> Fazek

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