krita documentation

Irina Rempt irina at
Thu Mar 3 13:31:20 UTC 2016

On Tue, 1 Mar 2016, Annette Klepp wrote:

> Dear Krita Team,
> first of all, I'd like to say thank you for your work on Krita! It's a
> great application and I am using it exclusively for all my painting
> projects. :)
> I would like to get involved in the project and therefore I wanted to
> ask you if I could contribute to the Krita documentation
> (
> I am a native speaker of German with a near-native level of English, so
> I could help with writing content, editing/proofreading and translation.
> Hoping to hear from you soon :)
> Anet

Hi Anet,

It's probably best to contact the wiki people (Scott and Wolthera); if you
give a shout on the #krita IRC channel on freenode they'll point you in the
right direction.


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