[krita/video-export-rebased] libs/ui: Save to a temporary file, then copy the result over on success (fwd)

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 15:32:22 UTC 2016

Can we somehow limit this behavior to network files only?

There are two problems I see:

1) If some other application, like Blender, is waiting on Krita-edited file
with inotify (QFileSystemWatcher), it may go crazy when we rename and
delete the file. The inotify opject will be destroyed after that.
2) What if the user works with 700MiB image? It mean he needs twice the
size of the image free space just to be able to save it. Many people will
be unhappy with it.
3) What if there is not enough free space in Temp folder? The user will
never be able to save the image? That is a dataloss bug.

Dmitry Kazakov
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