crash bug Bug 342185
Alex Demko
ademko at
Fri Jan 30 06:27:59 UTC 2015
Although the submitter reported this bug resolved, I think it's still
open, as I'm able to reliably reproduce it in the most recent
calligra/2.9 branch. If I increase Drop Caps->Number It Covers to say
4, and then keep decrementing Indents/Spacing->Line Spaces->Fixes
lower and lower, around 9 or so I can get it to crash. I assume it's
all dependant on the font any ways.
The bug triggers the assert in:
void KoTextLayoutArea::setBottom(qreal bottom)
d->boundingRect.setBottom(bottom + qMax(qreal(0.0),
Q_ASSERT_X(d-> <= d->boundingRect.bottom(),
__FUNCTION__, "Bounding-rect is not normalized");
d->bottom = bottom;
Which is understandable because bottom in my case is -9.57456e-13, aka
-tiny. With top()==0 and bottom()==-tiny, it's not normalized. How did
it become -tiny and not real 0? It seems in this bit of code:
d->neededWidth = qMax(d->neededWidth, line.naturalTextWidth()
+ d->indent);
if (!runAroundHelper.stayOnBaseline() &&
&& block.length() <= 1)) {
// d-> is -6 and maxLineHeight is 6
d->y += maxLineHeight; // <---- the culprit
// d->y is now -tiny
maxLineHeight = 0;
d->indent = 0;
d->extraTextIndent = 0;
It seems -6 + 6 gives us -tiny, which is understandable as this all in
real numbers and round off errors are expected.
Now, this is inside KoTextLayoutArea::layoutBlock(), which is quite
the monster, so it might be easier for devs familiar with this code to
handle it. Alternatively, I can fix it, but I'd need to know the
approach... Can d->y be reset to its entry value? Can it be reset to
0? etc.
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