iPad Pro with Pencil as graphics tablet input for Krita

Wolf Vollprecht w.vollprecht at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 23:01:09 UTC 2015

I was wondering if it would make a nice feature to integrate a VNC kind-of
server into Krita such that an iPad Pro could stream from Krita and send
back the pen pressure / position and tilt.
On the iPad there could be a Krita Companion app that connects to the VNC

In my opinion the iPad Pro makes for a relatively cheap and powerful
drawing "tablet". If it could be used in such a way it would be a cool
competitor to the quite expensive Cintiq products.

There exist several VNC solutions for the iPad and also software like
"duet" that allows to use the iPad as an external touch-capable monitor to
Mac or Windows computers.


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