To Possibility re Krita course

Manuel Cerilles opalkey at
Thu Dec 3 22:03:05 UTC 2015


I previously sent to you an email re my developing Krita course materials..... I have advanced quite a bit since then..... I have made about 500 Powerpoint slides (for teaching) ; result of about 700 man-hours of work over the past six months.

I initially planned to use the course just for myself,,,, but now I feel that it might be a good idea if I assign the rights to 
them to you (Krita Foundation?) under some arrangement. I am open to any suggestion from you.

Please let me know if 
this is of interest to you. 

Note: I tried to send the following attachments, but they were rejected, because your email system can receive only up to 40KB.
    1. Overview of the course and its status --- Powerpoint --- 821KB
    2. Example of actual course slides ---- Powerpoint ---- 4,129 KB
    3. Example of an actual .kra file ----- Krita .kra file ---- 4,044 KB.
I can convert the Powerpoint files to PDF.... I can send more if you wish.
Kindly let me know how I can send these files to you (to give you a better idea of the course)..... I can also send from Hotmail or Yahoo mail.

Note: This might be a good aspect to add into the announcement Krita Release 3.0.
Note: The course could be packaged and commercialized; resulting in a new revenue stream for Krita Org.

Thank you and I await your answer,
Manuel (Manny) Cerilles

P.S.: I sent this previously to boud at, but it I think the attachment files were too big.

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