unable to run the calligra source code in qt creator

Juan Palacios jpalaciosdev at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 12:01:14 UTC 2014

I managed to setup the whole thing in order to compile, debug and launch
krita through qtcreator in linux. I make this setup following the Calligra
building guide. This is what i did:

1. Create kde4-dev.sh file in ~/.kde4/env/kde4-dev.sh with the following

export KDEDIRS=$HOME/kde4/inst:$KDEDIRS
export PATH=$HOME/kde4/inst/bin:$PATH

Restart your session. This will allow you to launch krita through desktop
icons, among other things. Note that using this file makes the prefix
change to kdeglobals unnecessary.

2.1 Now in qtcreator, run cmake with the following (modify as your needs):
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kde4/inst $HOME/kde4/src/calligra

2.2 Setup the build settings of the project with the following:
- Set the build directory to ~/kde4/build/calligra
- Set build steps to make install -j<youroption>
Optionally, if you want to add more kits for other compilers, like clang,
you can choose the compiler in build environment adding the following
Variable     Value
CC             clang
CXX           clang++

2.3 Choose krita as the binary to launch on the run configuration.

2014-02-11 12:46 GMT+01:00 Boudewijn Rempt <boud at valdyas.org>:

> Oh, cool! What I do is build on the terminal -- but I do my editing in Qt
> Creator. I'm looking forward to patches!
> On Tue, 11 Feb 2014, roger pibernat wrote:
>  oh, ok.  Actually I already have a version of Krita compiled for Mac.
>>  But wanted to try fixing some bugs I
>> have in the GUI.
>> Roger
>> (+34) 639 81 26 71 http://www.rogerpibernat.com
>> http://www.wucollective.com
>> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Boudewijn Rempt <boud at valdyas.org>
>> wrote:
>>       Don't build from Qt Creator. Even on OSX, once you have all the
>> dependencies in place, following
>>       the builld guide _exactly_ should result in a 'working' Krita.
>>       http://www.davidrevoy.com/article/193/guide-building-
>> krita-on-linux-for-cats.html
>>       is a guide that's a bit easier to follow, plus, it has cats :-)
>>       The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is where krita is installed to in the make
>> install step.
>>       On Tue, 11 Feb 2014, roger pibernat wrote:
>>       Hi,
>>       I'm trying to build it in Qt, too, but on Mac so the paths aren't
>> the same.  What is in
>>       the /home/user/devel/kde/ path stated in
>> the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/devel/kde/
>>       build option?  Is it a
>>       kde-dev util os something?  I don't know what to look for.
>>       Roger
>> (+34) 639 81 26 71http://www.rogerpibernat.com
>> http://www.wucollective.com
>> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:56 AM, Mohit Goyal <mohit.bits2011 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>       Hi,
>>       First try to make calligra from terminal. Since Calligra is a heavy
>> project, its better to
>> try it
>>       out like that.
>>       On Feb 11, 2014 5:44 AM, "GAURAV Agrawal" <
>> gauravagrawal03jan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>       Hello,
>> I have downloaded the calligra source code by cloning the git repository.
>> After compiling the code,for loading the source code in qt creator ,I
>> followed the instructions
>> given in
>>        http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Building/Developing_
>> With_QtCreator
>> I have added the environment variables as given in the link.
>> I have also added the build step as shown in the link by enabling the
>> custom process step,giving it
>> the
>>                   --    command - kbuildsycoca4,
>>                   --    specifying the working directory,
>>                   --    leaving the command arguements portion blank.
>> Since ,I wanted to run Krita, in the run configuration ,I have selected
>> Krita.
>> But still, when I run the code , I get the error message-
>> : error: No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libkdecore.so.5.11.3', needed
>> by
>> `lib/libkoplugin.so.14.0.0'.  Stop.
>> I don't know what to do to fix this. Please help me out.
>> Thanks,
>> Gaurav
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