On Time and Events

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 20 17:07:11 UTC 2014

Hi, Damien!

1/ speed smoothing : compute speed as a weighed mean of the N last measured
> event speed. This is implemented in the freehand tool, but it has limits
> with extremely f*cked up timestamps (several zero-timed events in a row).

Yes, agree.

> 2/ early time measurement : Dmitry's proposal is to get the timestamp for
> tablet events from the window manager, and later from Qt5's
> QInputEvent::timestamp.
> I tried to implement a proof of concept for this (see attached patch), but
> it has limitations too. First, the event pipeline is not implemented in a
> way that makes such a modification easy to implement (see # Events).
> Second, it's a non-answer to the problem, and just delegates event time
> measurement to another software, which may as well have wrong timing (fig
> 2) or implement complete garbage (for example, OSX's cocoa implements event
> timestamps as seconds, which Qt5 just multiplies by 1000 to fit their
> milliseconds interface). Third, timestamps should also be available for all
> pointer events.

Ok, if the proof of concept sais it doesn't work, then yes, we should find
some other solution.

> 3/ time interpolation : my original proposition was to fix garbage input
> at the source. Timestamps are packed and zero-timed because they're
> cpu-bound, okay : keep the most likely correct events, and interpolate the
> rest. the "likely" function might have user-tunable parameters. The limit
> is that false positives for likely/unlikely correct times may produce
> garbage where the  original input was fine.

Did you have some time to do some experiments with it? Any results?

- Event timestamp is currently measured deep into the event handling. It's
> actually implemented within the base freehand tool (which looks like the
> only tool to make use of it).
> I think this is way too late and that it should be handled as early as
> possible in the event handling pipeline (see point 2/ and 3/ above).
> - Original QInputEvents have inconsistent interfaces, which are abstracted
> away by Calligra's KoPointerEvent. This abstrastion is good, but it happens
> way too late within the canvas/tool proxy input pipeline.
> This means that anything happening between the event input and its
> conversion by KisToolProxy (attaching a timestamp for example) has to deal
> with more than one type of pointer events and their inconsistencies. And
> KisInputManager/KisToolProxy have their share of complexity.

I think it would be better to leverage the global event filter to create a
> unified pointer event as soon as possible, perhaps a subclass of
> QMouseEvent or QTabletEvent for widget compatibility, and rely on that
> interface.

Well, if you say using the system timestamps doesn't make the situation
much better, I wouldn't spend much time on that refactoring. Probably, we
should just stick to your original approach with time value filtering and
then ckeck whether using original timestamps instead of meausred with a
QTimer make any noticeable difference :) If not, just keep it is as it is.

> This also means that only a canvas can have access to the unified
> interface provided by KoPointerEvent, which is used to handle tool-device
> bindings. This leads to another identified problem : tool-device binding
> happen only within a canvas, if you flip the stylus to bind the easer end
> to another tool while being outside of the canvas, and flip back to the
> stylus end before hitting the canvas again, your binding will not be
> understood correctly.

Could you elaborate a bit? As far as I remember, the check of the tool id
happens in KoInputManager, which compares the tool id and switches current
canvas. And this switch happens on the first TabletMove event it gets, so
the switch happens correctly.

Though there was a bug with it recently, but I fixed it on Thursday.

As a conclusion, I guess you should continue with your research with speed
filtering that you were suggesting initially :)

Dmitry Kazakov
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