Krita shared pointers usage

Stefano Bonicatti smjert at
Mon Dec 15 13:19:35 UTC 2014

> Where did that happen?

I added a comment some days ago to a bug report -> .
Together with other things leaked, there was the rootLayer of the image.

> What I think would be a good thing to do is this: either for a single
> instance of a shared pointer (like the image's root layer) or for a single
> type of shared pointer, create a proposal with a patch to improve that
> single issue. Then we can check what happens and see how to fix the rest
> of Krita.

Yes i agree, forgot to say that i wasn't proposing to change everything now
(because that's obviously insane), but that they should be used less from
"now" on and that the parts that contains them should be slowly
fixed/cleaned, as you proposed.
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