Some input about current Krita Windows build

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at
Sun Sep 29 01:15:01 UTC 2013

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 12:16 PM, David Revoy <davidrevoy at> wrote:

> * mockup :*
> Thanks for your time commenting @Animtim, here my replies on this topic :
>> *-The preset selector row is really important for me, very useful to
>> compare/check several presets quickly. I would not be happy if it gets
>> removed. (by the way, I'm really missing the option to see only presets
>> from selected engine here as it was before, I filed a bug about this some
>> time ago).
>> *
> Ok. I have difficulties using this carousel brush selector with a stylus,
> so I never do. With new tag system mini-bug-or-feature ;newly created brush
> just jump to the end of list. The scrolling holding '>' arrow is really
> long.
> Restricting presets by active brush engine on this carousel selector would
> make a lot of sens. For your and my usage.
>> ** *
>> -Having the engine selector as dropdown would make one more click  and
>> scrolling the list to switch.. I still prefer how it is now.
>> *
> Ok, I thought about it because I rarely switch engine when I configure a
> brush.  Anyway, my drop-down list in a drop-down panel was surely not
> elegant.
> By the way, does the subcategory 'Stable' and 'Experimental' brush engine
> still makes sens ? I have the feeling any brush engine available now are
> stable.
>> * -Name field shrinked: that's ok as long as it's still long enough
>> (looks ok size on the mockup)
>> *
> :-)
>> * -Do we really need to add a rename preset when we can already just
>> edit the name and save it as new? Well yes, as then we have to clean up
>> manually old-named presets, so it could save some manipulations here.. So
>> why not, if we find space for it.
>> *
> Rename would be a nice little featurette. Because sorting is driven by 0-9
> + A-Z ;  Renaming by creating a new and removing the old one is sure what I
> do since years. But it's also always risky to remove accidentally the
> unwanted one. Here again the "mini-bug-or-feature ;newly created brush just
> jump to the end of list" prevent a bit of that. I would really like a way
> to refresh resource without having to close and restart Krita...

We could change it to add the preset to the start of the list or
alphabetically correct position.

> * -Color field folded be default: why not, as those options are used on
>> very few preset cases.
>> *
> :)
> * -Restore icon button: yep sure this one still miss a proper icon, it's
>> on the todo list ;)*
> My idea on the mockup was not to provide a static icon. But draw here the
> 'active' icon . Easier feedback.
> _____________________
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Timothée Giet <animtim at> wrote:
>>  Le 26/09/2013 09:38, David Revoy a écrit :
>>  5) "Edit Brush Settings" dialog doesn't fit the wide-format laptop
>>> screen (I guess it was a 15" laptop).
>> A diet mockup proposition I made this morning for the "Krita Brush
>> Editor" :  ( 950x450px instead of
>> 1115x600px ).To other artist and users feel free to debate about this
>> mockup here before submitting as a wish. Would you like it ?
>> Hi,
>> Some opinions about this mockup:
>> -The preset selector row is really important for me, very useful to
>> compare/check several presets quickly. I would not be happy if it gets
>> removed. (by the way, I'm really missing the option to see only presets
>> from selected engine here as it was before, I filed a bug about this some
>> time ago).
>> -Having the engine selector as dropdown would make one more click  and
>> scrolling the list to switch.. I still prefer how it is now.
>> -Name field shrinked: that's ok as long as it's still long enough (looks
>> ok size on the mockup)
>> -Do we really need to add a rename preset when we can already just edit
>> the name and save it as new? Well yes, as then we have to clean up manually
>> old-named presets, so it could save some manipulations here.. So why not,
>> if we find space for it.
>> -Color field folded be default: why not, as those options are used on
>> very few preset cases.
>> -Restore icon button: yep sure this one still miss a proper icon, it's on
>> the todo list ;)
>> Tim
>>   - David
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