Adobe making another move away from VFX

Simon Legrand legrand.simon at
Wed May 8 17:09:06 UTC 2013

I have to admit I misunderstood what this was about when I first read about
it. When they said they were dropping the standalone products I thought
they meant just that. Dropping standalone Photoshop for some weird cloud
based alternative. But it's just the licensing, so you are right, it
doesn't change that much, and actually makes it even easier for studios who
are used to expanding really quickly then letting hundreds of people go
after a film as they have a flexible licensing scheme.

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Sven Langkamp <sven.langkamp at>wrote:

> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Simon Legrand <legrand.simon at>wrote:
> Does it really matter that much? For regular users it doesn't change much
> and the price goes even down a bit.
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Simon Legrand
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