Project Krita Webshop

David Revoy davidrevoy at
Tue Apr 23 12:07:23 UTC 2013

Hi Chinkal Nagpal,

I'm a Krita artist and tester. I read your two PDF , and it's a very
polished work , analysis and writing.
Thank you about that and welcome on the Krita mailing list. Here is my
comment & quoting about 2 chapters of your second PDF : "a proposal
covering idea and promotion ".
About the communication tools :

*2. The world of blogging:*

> *"In the recent times, we all know that a blog rightly done can do
> wonders to any business."*
> 'News' system is a good base to create a blog.
It would need work, and a **webdesigner/webmaster* **(contributor welcome**)
* could :

   1. display and clean post by categories, and replace 'News' in the
   mainsite top menu by 'Blog'
   2. propose a page for community to submit a news ( ex : )
   3. propose sharing button, not limited only to diaspora and as
   4. a system to simply repost blogpost of developpers personnal website
   or tester : a lot of cool post are made by Lukas, Dmitry, Sven, Pentalis,
   Animtim and Boud ( and other I forget to mention )

*3. A Facebook and Twitter page:*

> *"Two of the leading social networking website with humongous number of
> users and thus, a page
> rightly managed can do wonders in increasing our customer base."*
Good social group/community need **publisher / maintainers** *(contributor
welcome** here again).
*I worked on a list under ( that was a pain ) , to give you an idea of
Krita social landscape : *

   - *deviantART **( group )* *:*
   ( moderated by Krita-admin :  ) ( 6
   contributor, 140 members, *182 watcher* ) *--> needs logo update*
   - *Identica : * ( maintained by a robot , posting news links : *80 followers* )* **--> needs logo update*
   - *Twitter :*   ( maintained by a
   robot , posting news links : *79 followers* )* --> needs logo
   - *G+* ( community ): (
   moderated by Jean Lotz, *61 members* ) , good because every user can
   submit / share post. Public place of repost, and a dedicated moderator.
   - *G+*  ( page ) : ( maintained
   (Boud?)  *47 in circles* ) *
   - *Diaspora **(tag)** :* , user
   contributor maintained *25 followers*   ( diaspora profile here is not maintained *--> needs logo update
   ** *)

*( note : **sorted by followers,  if you maintain one of this community ,
new logo can be found here : , file is
hi1024-app-calligrakrita.png inside the zip )*

I wish you success, and so a lot of new income for Krita project :-)

- David


2013/4/22 Chinkal Nagpal <nagpalchinkal77 at>

> Hi,
> Regarding the project Krita Webshop, I have prepared two proposals on-
> 1. Proposal to choose Zazzle as the web-shop platform.
> 2. Proposal covering ideas for promotion
> I have shared both the documents on Dropbox here<>(don't worry they aren't long!).
> Do share your views and suggestions regarding the documents! :)
> Also, I have created a dummy web-shop on Zazzle so as to facilitate the
> discussion on deciding the theme and design of our Zazzle Krita web-shop.
> Check the web-shop here <> and suggest
> your ideas on how the web-shop should look like. :)
> Regards,
> Chinkal Nagpal
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