Where's the text tool? was: Re: Krita 2.4 (b3): problems with "Text-Shape" tool

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Thu Nov 3 08:23:18 UTC 2011

On Tuesday 01 November 2011 Nov, silvio grosso wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have been testing the Text-Shape tool lately.
> The one you get inside the Add Shape group. Not the "Artistic text tool" on the tool bar.
> As usual I work on Krita 2.4 (b3).  Ubuntu1.10 - Unity Shell
> IMHO, it is really "problematic" to add a text-shape tool on the canvas right now.
> This to say the least...
> I suppose there are a few bug reports about this tool because most artists don't use it.
> They usually sign their picture with their Wacom tablet ;-)
> In essence:
> 1. First up, this text-shape tool is a bit too much "buried" in my view.
> It may be difficult to even discover there is such tool for Krita :-(
> Maybe it should go on the tool bar (as occurs with other similar softwares): but I suppose it is not easy to move only it...

The text tool in the toolbox has two modes: artistic and multiline text, so it offers everything that the text shape in the add shape dockers offers, except the default text. That's a bit of a pity, maybe Sven can add that? It would make it clear where the text is. I also think that after creating a text shape with the add-text tool the edit-text tool should be activated.

Hm... And I going crazy, or did the edit-text tool disappear from the toolbox with the latest toolbox refactoring. CC'ongcalligra-devel, so boemann can look at that. Right now, it seems we can edit the text shape only by clicking on it with the default tool, where it used to be possible to select the text tool.
> 2. When you select this text option, a new layer opens up (which is ok).
> Unfortunately, later, I always end up in having "many" difficulties to write something on the canvas :-(
> Quite often, a different shape pops up and my text is not inserted.
> This occurs quite randomly. 
> There is not a pattern: sometimes I insert my text very quickly by doing the same steps....
> 3. On top of this, this text-shape tool is *very* prone to crash Krita 2.4 (b3).
> This occured with the previous versions as well.
> I have already filled some crash reports on the Kde tracker :-)

Thanks! I will go through the reports this Saturday and check whether I can reproduce and fix the issues.

> Please, don't take these points as a criticism, because they are not :-) 
> I think Krita 2.4 is very very powerful now!
> In short, it is just normal there are many things to sort out :-)
> Photoshop is more than 20 years old now...
> There are not many open source softwares as powerful as Krita 2.4
> I have just read a great review by David Revoy and I totally agree wih him:
> http://www.davidrevoy.com/index.php?article98/krita-2-4-beta-screenshots-features-and-ppa
> Best regards and keep up your magnificent work
> Silvio Grosso

Boudewijn Rempt
http://www.valdyas.org, http://www.krita.org, http://www.boudewijnrempt.nl

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