[calligra] krita: save mirror, erase, composite op and mirror settings to presets

David REVOY davidrevoy at gmail.com
Sun May 29 11:57:21 CEST 2011

hi :)

> Silvio : I think you did misunderstand me.
> I think you just want to be able to save a blending mode to a preset,
> so that you don't have to set it manually every time.
> That is fine and I want this too.
So I'm ok too ; as far as I can do presets of erasers , of brush with 
blending modes , and *be sure when I load a preset I will obtain a 
similar result compare to when I saved it* , I agree.

> Silvio : 2. [...] If you want to save the opacity, just change the opacity in
> the preset editor
> save it and let the global opacity at 100%.
That's what I do Silvio since long time with my Krita test ( in my old 
preset I was using curves to set opacity in the preset ) , so I'm not 
used to touch this opacity button and let most of the time to 100% , and 
this one don't give me feedback at preset loading if my active brush 
have low opacity or if it will paint-over everything.
If I tweak this opacity in this global button on toolbar and save a 
brush with the new system ; does my preset will be saved without ? I 
guess yes . So, I better let the global opacity at 100% all the time, 
witch make a useless and more confusing button for me.

> Timothée : I also like the idea to see the top toolbar as a shortcut 
> for most common settings
Sure , I like it too :) But, as *shortcuts* ; It means to me : the 
"opacity ruler in preset panel" , and the "opacity global button on top 
toolbar" should be linked and display the same value ; and a blending 
mode option  ( with eraser ) should do the same and be placed in the 
preset panel to be consistent with 'brush creation job = all the option 
in this panel are here to create a brush" .  For mirror, this one don't 
have to be saved in preset , imo.

> Silvio : Some of the presets you gave to me are not usable/broken (they have this
> red cross after loading).
Ho ho weird , I copied all the content of my personnal preference 
folders in this zip  and here no brushes are missing ( and Krita is 
update ) .It's based on the default Chaos&Evolutions brushmask delivered 
with Krita + 3 brushmask I also give in the zip. Do you removed some on 
your install ?

> Silvio : But the color smudge brush doesn't work in "Wash" mode (this is why i
> didn't include this option).
I noticed it also  ; and far before the patch of Sven.
Also build-up option has a weird behavior . But I already reported years 
ago ( a weird transparency color blending borders, and a kind of 
self-collision inside a single brush stroke ) . This is another story :)

> Silvio : And you want to be able to save an image to a preset so that we can
> combine it with the brush tip to give the brush stroke more texture (you
> remember?).
Of course I remember :D

> Silvio : This will only cause problems for later development.
I trust you if you think it's better for the technical side of the 
problem. Here just a user point of view. Nothing less nothing more.


On 29/05/11 11:16, Timothée Giet wrote:
> @Cyrille: I also like the idea to see the top toolbar as a shortcut 
> for most common settings
> 2011/5/29 Cyrille Berger Skott <cberger at cberger.net 
> <mailto:cberger at cberger.net>>
>     I do agree with Silvio that is confusing for users. However, lets
>     work on
>     suggestion for improvement :)
>     What I am thinking is that the opacity and composite ops mode
>     should be also
>     visible in the editor. And then the toolbar should be perceived
>     for users as
>     shortcut to access the most common brush options (ie scale,
>     opacity, composite
>     op).
>     And I do think that if we do like this it should work nicely for
>     users.
>     As for the broken presets, I suggest opening a bug report with an
>     attached
>     presets.
>     --
>     Cyrille Berger Skott
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