Speed of Krita 2.4

Lukast dev lukast.dev at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 23:45:28 CEST 2011

Use valgrind for your mentioned use case in which it is slow and
attach the valgrind log.

2011/7/29 JL VT <pentalis at gmail.com>:
> I've noticed that the speed of Krita has been in steady decline since 2.3
> Since version 2.4 has so many usability improvements (too many to count!)
> I've avoided to rollback to 2.3 to do my drawings, however, it has got to a
> point where I'm starting to worry.
> I don't know how fast Krita is in the other branches (I haven't tested)
> however I'd like to ask if there's a good date to start feeling really
> worried about speed?, I don't want 2.4 to be a single bit slower than 2.3,
> so I'd like to start hacking to try to find where our current bottlenecks
> are; but I don't know which parts deep in Krita to touch without stepping on
> other developer's toes, moreover, my fears may be unfounded, maybe we're
> just a couple weeks shy of a branch merge solving all these problems, but,
> again, I haven't kept up enough with our IRC backlogs and Krita branches to
> be sure.
> Should I be worried?.
> Is there an upcoming branch I should be testing to help with the speed
> bottlenecks instead?.
> Best regards,
> ~Pentalis.
> PS: as an example of slowness: for small brushes, in Krita 2.3 I trace a
> line of any width and it appears on the screen instantaneously, in 2.4 I
> trace a line 5px wide and it appears on the screen approximately 1 second
> later per 400 px of total line length.
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