Krita Sprint 2011

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at
Mon Feb 7 10:19:31 CET 2011

"Photoshop is faster without SSE3 (and, probably without OpenGL (need check)"

See , since CS4, photoshop as an 
opengl canvas like us. Also PixelBender (their OpenShiva equivalent) has a GPU 
backend in one of its implementations (I don't remember if PixelBender is a 
CS5 standard component or not, nor if they have enabled its GPU backend in 

I would suggest like last sprint (and also calligra sprints), one day of 
general session with everybody at the same table, so with topic of general 
interrest that can be discussed in more details on the second day, where we 
have several sessions in parallel talking about various specific topic (like 
"save arbitrary data between strokes", "comic book studio"...).

Cyrille Berger Skott

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